This little utility is a one shot program execute at given intervals of time.
How it works
This is how its works,.
Changes History
- **************************************************************
- **************************************************************
- Updates:
- We 6 April 2005, 15:04 (ver 1.2005.4.6)
- ========================
- Added Shedule.log File: write down the timestamp and file executed by Shellexecute.
- Schedule.log is ubicated on the same place than the Schedule.exe
- Saturday 5 July 2003, 14:00 (Build 557)
- ========================
- Solved W2K/XP issues ( Finally I do swap NT 4.0 to W2K):
- When the program is first open and has NOT saved the options, Open multiples Intances of Explorer. Fixed!.
- **************************************************************
- **************************************************************
- ========================
- Monday 4 November 2002, 10:45
- ========================
- Schedule Module Version 1.0
- ========================
- Schedule Module was designed to run with very low demand on system resources
- and hardware. It has been tested on a 1Ghz Atlon running win NT 4 Sp6a and
- it runs with no problems at all.
- The EXE files are free standing 32 bit portable executable files
- that do not need any runtime DLLs to work correctly. You do not have to
- download other files for Schedule Module to work properly.
- Safe Installation
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- The Program supplied in this package do NOT write to the operating
- system or replace any component of the operating system, but its own INI File.
- About Hidden Working
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- If The Schedule is marked to Hide when working, pressing default HOTKEY:
- CTRL+ALT+S will show the Window.
- If More than one instance is running, ONLY the firts istance will responde
- to the HOTKEY; Until the first Instance is Close, the HOTKEY will be assigned
- to the Second Instance, and so on.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Default HOTKEY is CTRL+ALT+S
- To change the key, it MUST be added an entry on the INI File:
- Example:
- Execute=
- Parameters=
- Show=0
- Tray=1
- Log=0
- HotKey=P
- The example above will set the Program HOTKEY to CTRL+ALT+P
- About Schedule.log
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Value Meaning
- 0 The operating system is out of memory or resources.
- 2 (ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) The specified file was not found.
- 2 (SE_ERR_FNF) The specified file was not found.
- 3 (ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND) The specified path was not found.
- 3 (SE_ERR_PNF) The specified path was not found.
- 5 (SE_ERR_ACCESSDENIED) The operating system denied access to the specified file.
- 8 (SE_ERR_OOM) There was not enough memory to complete the operation.
- 11 (ERROR_BAD_FORMAT) The .EXE file is invalid (non-Win32 .EXE or error in .EXE image).
- 26 (SE_ERR_SHARE) A sharing violation occurred.
- 27 (SE_ERR_ASSOCINCOMPLETE) The filename association is incomplete or invalid.
- 28 (SE_ERR_DDETIMEOUT) The DDE transaction could not be completed because the request timed out.
- 29 (SE_ERR_DDEFAIL) The DDE transaction failed.
- 30 (SE_ERR_DDEBUSY) The DDE transaction could not be completed because other DDE transactions were being processed.
- 32 (SE_ERR_DLLNOTFOUND) The specified dynamic-link library was not found.
- 31 (SE_ERR_NOASSOC) There is no application associated with the given filename extension.
- 33 succeeds (No error happen)
- To Do:
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- -Tab changing in Main Window is not Working.
- -Weekly RadioButtons, on Setup Windows, needs some enligthment.
- -Make Help File
- -Make Add Ons
- -Drink more Tequila next weekend!